Mentoring Programme

The Sixteen is engaging with schools across East Kent and South East England to deliver its mentoring programme.
These are schools in some of the most deprived areas of the UK, with low aspiration and job prospects, including Thanet's Hartsdown Academy, King Ethelbert School and Royal Harbour Academy.
We have engaged mentors from across a variety of art forms and associated industries. For their profiles and introduction films please see the Your Mentors page. This network of successful, relatable and approachable individuals, were all once themselves in the UK schooling system. We believe that ‘If you can see it, you can be it’.
Our mentoring programme is offered in person and online, with a bespoke fit depending on the interests of the students involved. The mentoring offer with each student (or small group) usually spans six sessions. As well as looking at aspirations and overcoming challenges, the process can also include working on an exciting artistic project together.
We aim to develop a strong relationship with each school, to ensure long-term, cohesive and comprehensive support is possible beyond the scope of each mentor pairing.
For mentoring enquiries please contact The Sixteen Trust Project: info@thesixteen.org
· To inspire aspiration and success through mentoring programmes tied to the school curriculum: including but not limited to, visits, workshops, one-to-one mentoring and career advice, workshops, extra-curricular activities, industry and work placements and travel opportunities.
· To educate children on the huge number of real-world opportunities and pathways available to them, and inspire an imagination for future careers and progressions, through meeting and engaging with real-world professionals.
· To give hands-on, behind-the-scenes involvement in arts projects including, but not limited to, fashion, theatre, visual arts and film.
· To engage children in the long-term, providing advice and inspiration through their secondary schooling to supplement and enhance their educational experience, and provide advice for further and higher education or vocational training.
· To provide schools and teachers with new perspectives on learning, cross-subject synergies and collaborations.
Advisors and Associates
Sir David Verey, CBE
Tracey Emin, CBE, RA
Stuart Semple, artist
Jeremy Deller, artist
Paul Luxmoore, Coastal Academies Trust
Sarah Martin, Turner Contemporary
Gideon Berger, Block9
Dan Chilcott, Margate NOW
Diane Shiach, Charity fundraiser and patron for the arts
Neil Graham, Founder and CEO, Arts Emergency
Bob Barbour, Digital Consultant - non profit and public sector
Simon Boswell, BAFTA Nominated Film Composer