Our People

Lee Cavaliere, Founder
Lee is a curator and contemporary art specialist, based in London and Margate.
Following a number of years working with the Tate’s Collection displays, he moved on to the commercial sector, delivering contemporary exhibitions programmes at Max Wigram Gallery and the Fine Art Society on Bond Street, London. He works with artists, galleries and museums internationally, developing exhibitions and facilitating opportunities and connections.
He currently works as Artistic Director of VOLTA, a renowned international art fair, entering its 20th year in Basel and New York.
Elaine Foley, Advisor
Elaine has worked for over ten years in the dance sector in both the US and the UK.
She's passionate about community engagement in the arts, and championing inclusive and diverse contemporary dance practice and performance.
She has extensive experience in dance performance from stages to stadiums as well as training and teaching Yoga and various styles of community dance. She currently works as Projects Manager, Learning & Engagement with Sadlers Wells.
Sheila Arora, Advisor
Sheila Arora is a communications veteran and curator of concepts and partnerships.
Now Brussels-based, she has navigated many industries and continents focusing on art, education and cultural diplomacy.
Concepts have included the Europe Society in New York, the PR network of Bates Advertising Asia-wide, Belgium Week in Hong Kong and European Masterpieces in Rome.
Vicky Caplin, Advisor
Vicky’s career has spanned the entertainment industry in London and Los Angeles. She produced music videos, arts and current affairs TV, for among others, Island Records, the FT, and the BBC. She coordinated sponsorship for arts festivals and has curated exhibitions programmes with a particular specialism in the work of emerging female artists.
She is an advisor to the KCAW, bringing curatorial and sponsorship experience, and is an arts consultant to private and corporate collectors. Vicky was a founding trustee for the community mediation charity Centre for Peaceful Solutions. She is a passionate believer in the role the arts play in education.
Gary Mansfield, Advisor
In his mid-twenties, Gary Mansfield was inadvertently used as a drugs mule and received a 14-year prison sentence. Determined to make a positive from a very negative situation, he enrolled in the art-class. From here, he soon fell in love with all things art.
Gary works with marginalised groups to change attitudes and promote opportunities.He has run art workshops with homeless groups and in prisons, was the main fundraiser for the Katie Piper Foundation and is a Director for The Koestler Trust, one of the World’s best known prison arts charities